Actress of the I category
Education: 2005-2008, the Karaganda State University of Buketov, the bachelor of cultural and leisure activities
Diplomas: The diploma "For a supporting role" the Long Live Theatre festival in the performance "Singing Pig"
List of roles: more than 40 roles are played
at theater:
"Night after release", a role – Nata Bystrov, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Greenhorn", a role – the Maid, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"The twelfth night", role – Maria, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Princess Turandot", a role – the Slave, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Foreign child", role – Paradise, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Hole", role – the Faith, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"A daisy wheel without lobes", a role – Nyura, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Tartyuf", a role – Dorina, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Chipollino's adventures", a role – the Uncle Pumpkin, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Treasure of Brazil", role – Simone's Burro, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Two witches Baba Yaga", a role – the Witch Baba Yaga, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Very simple history", role – Zork's Cow, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"A family portrait with the stranger", a role – Katerina, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Morozko", a role – the Stepmother, Temirtau theater for children and youth
at cinema:
"Time dust", cut. T.Angelopolus
Involvement in festivals:
In Kazakhstan:
Festival "Theatre Eyes of Children", Karaganda
2001, "Both Laughter, and Sin" Festival, Almaty, Astana, of Kokshetau
2001, Ukraine, Dneprodzerzhinsk, International festival "Classics Today"
2008, Ukraine, Dneprodzerzhinsk, International festival "Classics Today"