
The most gentle and touching story of love of three young people which occurred in premilitary Leningrad. History eternal, as love. Love against war, love against life. And eternal problem of a choice. With whom to be: with the hero or with the poet? Who will better tell about love? To whom is it more necessary? Logic - not the best adviser, when speech about love, life long...

It is the kind fairy tale with the happy end about love of kind good fellow Vasily Paramonovich and the daughter of a solomennik Annushka. About Lukerye's artful neigbour, her daughter Akulina. Passionately wishing to live in the country overseas and to settle in life for someone else's account by means of cunning and deception.

(the tragedy according to G. Musrepov's play "Goats Korpesh and the Bayan Sula", director director M. Dolinenko, art director M. Baykenov). It is the uneasy story about the tragic love, handing down throughout centuries and compared now with Romeo and Juliette's history.

The history of the easy rider who managed to ingratiate the respectable citizen, Orgona to gather it, to disgrace … and if not insight of the king, lime in a grave … But everything in the ending will be good.

On a forest clearing in the country of mushrooms everything as in life, there are friends and enemies. The fine Russula, in love in not the Saffron milk cap and their friends Slippery jacks struggle with the artful señor the Fly agaric and its assistants pale toadstools.

musical fairy tale

Heroes of performance resolve an issue: who will occupy the freed box. However the cockerel can't be a dog because isn't able to bark. To cat a dog position not on a shoulder. And when there is a fox, the cat and a rooster can't protect himself. The fairy tale comes to an end happily.

How to become the Baba-yaga how to turn back the clock, what it is necessary to make that the real hero got the real happiness? On these and on other difficult questions heroes of the fairy tale "Two Baba-yaga" should look for answers. Life is full of transformations with which even to the fairy tale try to keep up! But the fairy tale doesn't lag behind. New view on beauties and monsters in the fairy tale for the small and big audience. This surprisingly cheerful and musical fairy tale overturns all our ideas of classical fantastic heroes.