Actress of the II category
Education: Specialized secondary
List of roles:
"The poem about love", a role – Kunekey, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Hole", role – Emka, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Ball of thieves", role – Madam Police, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"A daisy wheel without lobes", a role – Elena Petrovna, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Friendship lesson", role – Krotik, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"A fun for laughter", a role – the Nanny, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Scraps on zakoulochka", a role – the Bear, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Very simple history", role – the Horse, Temirtau theater for children and youth
Involvement in festivals:
In Kazakhstan:
2007, World Eyes of Children Festival, Karaganda,
Republican festival of drama theaters of Kazakhstan, Astana
2006, Ukraine, Dneprodzerzhinsk, International festival "Classics Today"
2008, Ukraine, Dneprodzerzhinsk, International festival "Classics Today"